Greetings, wanderers!
Image by MariaTkach |
In the enchanting tapestry of spiritual beliefs, the practice of aligning Chakras evolved within the Hindu and Buddhist traditions for inner healing. In theory, when Chakras are spinning clockwise in their specific location, at their specific frequency, shinning their specific color, we are in alignment physically, physiologically, emotionally and spiritually.
So, what was the first text and in what era were they written?
The origin of Chakras were narratives and dialogues that were spoken long before they were written. Rishi were to memorize the enlightening details so that they could be carried and practiced from generation to generation. It wasn't until around 1500-c.500 BCE, that the Vedas (Sanatan Dharma), the oldest scriptures in traditional India were scribed. These focused on the philosophy of yoga as their spiritual core. A more detailed description of chakras were written in the Brahma Upanishad and the Yogatattva Upanishad, a collection of philosophical chronicles which came later.
So what are chakra traditional practices?
Chakra traditional practices in various spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and New Age practices, are specific techniques or ceremonies designed to cleanse, balance, and energize our Chakras, which are seen as vital energy centers in the human body. These rituals can vary widely, but they often involve a combination of meditation, visualization, use of mantras, physical postures (yoga), and sometimes the use of crystals or essential oils.
Here's a brief overview of common practices associated with chakra traditional practices:
Meditation and Visualization:
Let’s start with what the difference between mediation and visualization, as both have their benefits.
Mediation is about putting the body into a deep restful state, beyond our consciousness realm. It’s meant to calm the nervous system by making no effort to control our thoughts, breath or movement. This rest is deeper than REM sleep as there is no imagination of the mind being activated.
Vedic is a type of Meditation that allows you to reach a forth state of consciousness. It is a state that is beyond waking, sleeping or dreaming, but instead, it is a state of being.
Basic mediation can lower your stress, open your mind so you can connect better, improve your focus and reduce that voice in your head.
Visualization is a waking state practice that brings the mind into an active state of our core consciousness. Achieving this state involves guiding our breath and our mind in a specific direction for a desired result such as mindset, a feeling or body awareness. Our mind-sight is used as a tool to reprogram our mind to be present and free from fear and fight-or-flight stress.
Visualization uses all five senses through imagery to see, hear, smell, taste and touch. We can use this tool to imagine ourselves in a situation that would normally be stressful, to being calm, collective and in total control. We become free from fear.
Use of Mantras and Mudras:
Each Chakra is associated with specific Bija mantras (seed sound, strong vibration) and a Hasta Mudra (sacred hand gestures). Chanting mantras and holding mudras during meditation each play a part on activating and balancing the Chakras.
An example of a Mantra, is “LAM” for the Root Chakra, which opens up your prosperity, belongings, and feeling of security. If you are feeling down and your energy is low, chanting ‘LAM’ will balance your root chakra aiding you in gaining more energy.
An example of a Hasta Mudra for the Sacral Chakra, is the Varun Mudra. This increases the water content in your body and restores balance.
Open your palms and clear your mind, Then, join the tip of your little finger with the tip of your thumb. The remain fingers will naturally curl in but try to keep them straight with out straining. Use both hands to balance both sides of the body as each side of the body is represented by masculine (Solar), on the right and feminine (Lunar) on the left.
Each finger represents an element; thumb is fire, index finger- air, middle finger- space, ring finger- Earth and pinky- water. As you look to learn more about mudras, the representation of each finger and how it it held or connected to another will make sense.
The practice of finger gestures in theory, seals the channel flow of prana (life force.)
Yoga Poses (Asanas):
Specific yoga poses stimulate and balance specific Chakras. For instance, poses like Camel Pose or Fish Pose might be used for the Throat Chakra.
Our chakras from Root to Crown are on an energy line (spine) that moves life force up and down. Practicing yoga or any of the rituals listed here can awaken that kundalini energy within us. Asanas poses release negative energy built up in our bodies over time.
Breathing Exercises (Pranayama):
Breathing techniques are used to direct prana (life energy) to different Chakras. For example, alternate nostril breathing is thought to balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain, impacting the Third Eye and Crown Chakras.
On a physical level, breathing oxygenates and detoxifies the body, strengthens our nervous system, improves digestion, clears our mind and balances our brain. On an emotional level, it helps to release fear, insecurity, depression and irritability.
When we are stressed or in fear, our breath is shallow, this hinders air from filling our bodies to the core of our bellies and allowing expansion. Less air we breath in, inhibits our ability to think rationalize and make common sense decisions. Less air makes our physical body less flexible and fluid.
Use of Colors and Crystals:
Each Chakra is associated with specific colors. Visualizing these colors or surrounding oneself with them can aid in balancing the Chakras because of their unique vibration. Every energy center possesses its own pulse, density, frequencies, and wavelengths. For example; the Crown chakra is represented by the color violet and has the shortest wavelength but the highest frequency. The Root chakra is the opposite with the color Red, which is the longest wavelength and lowest frequency of the seven chakra system.
Crystals and gemstones corresponding to the Chakras’ colors are used to remove stagnate energy and promote flow. For example; Amber, Citrine or Rutilated quartz can be used to boost the mood of the Solar Plexus releasing negative thoughts of depression and anxiety as yellow is a uplifting color and yellowish gemstones vibrate at a higher frequency bringing us into positive/negative balance.
Essential oils that resonate with specific Chakras can be used during meditation, reflection or applied to the body during message.
For example, sandalwood or frankincense might be used for the higher Chakras such as; Throat, Third eye and Crown, while earthier scents like patchouli might be used for the lower Chakras such as; Root, Sacral, Solar. The Heart chakra is the bridge between the upper and lower chakras and can use both for balancing.
Of our five senses, only the sense of smell is linked directly to the limbic (cerebrum part of the brain) system. Fear, anxiety, anger, happiness, and sadness all come from this region of the brain – our emotional center. Fragrances can have profound influence over our bodies because the limbic system is the parts of the brain that control heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, stress levels, and hormone balance in addition to memory.
Sound Healing:
Music, singing, chanting mantras and humming have been used for centuries to heal the body and boost the spirits. Many cultures have shown the use of flutes, drums, bowels, etc. as graffiti on cave walls as well as ancient pottery.
Sound has an impact our mood, whether good or bad. It releases neurotransmitters (dopamine, oxytocin, norepinephrine, cortisol, endorphins, etc), in our body that affects our nervous system. The movement of playing an instrument or engaging in dance uses both sides of our brains which amplifies our ability to process information.
Sound baths and drumming circles are great way to experience with others. Instruments like Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, or chimes, each tuned to the frequencies of the Chakras, are used in sound healing sessions to help balance and align.
An example of Chakras and their frequencies; Root chakra 396 Hz, is a low, smooth sound that heals trauma locked in that chakra. Heart chakra, 639 Hz activates the vulnerability and intimacy of love as well as healthy relationships, Third eye chakra, 853 Hz triggers a higher realm of spiritual thinking and reality.
Reiki and Energy Healing:
Reiki (rei = universal + ki = energy) was developed in 1914, by Matiji Kawakami, a Japanese therapist. He published the first book in 1919 called Reiki Healing and Its Effects. The belief behind Reiki is that if your ki levels are low or blocked, you’re more susceptible to stress and illness. In theory, improving the flow of energy around the body can enable relaxation, relieve pain, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of illness. This is done by a practitioner holding their hands over the area where the ki is blocked or low and using universal energy to unblock that stuck energy.
How does this tie into chakras? In recent times, practitioners have integrated the use of reiki (Japanese) to unblock chakras (Indian.)
Other forms of energy healing (unblocking stuck energy) are; acupuncture (needles), acupressure (manual pressure), message (hands on skin), reflexology (pressure points in the feet, hands and ears), craniosacral (movement of fluids around the central nervous system), tai chi (martial art based), Qi Gong (enhancement of the life essence.)
These traditional practices are typically performed with an intention of healing, balancing energy, and promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. They can be tailored to individual needs and are often more effective when practiced regularly. As with any spiritual or healing practice, the experiences and benefits can be deeply personal and subjective.
Stay tuned for the next post:
Signs of Unbalanced Chakras
#Chakras #HolisticWellbeing #EnergyCenters #MindBodySoul #SpiritualJourney #ChakraBalance #AncientWisdom #ModernWellness #EmotionalHealing #PhysicalHealth #PsychologicalBalance #SpiritualAwakening #India #Hinduism #Buddhism #SelfLove #SelfHealing #LoveThySelf
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